SMEC Multidisciplinary Learning Center (MLC)

An elementary program serving students in grades 1-5 with significant physical or intellectual disabilities and/or medical fragility. An experienced special education teacher, CNA paraprofessionals and an RN create a safe, supportive learning environment for students with multi-disabilities. Therapeutic services are provided by an OT, PT and SLP. The MLC program offers a 180 program with a part-time 5 week summer component. The program is located in a public school building and accepts referrals from all school districts.

Therapeutic Services Available

Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Vision Services, Behavioral Consultation

Parent Support Program: Monthly Parent Meeting available for resource sharing and information

Additional Program Information: BCBA consultation


South Region

Primary Population/Disability

Health, Multiple Disabilities

Other Populations Served

Development Delay, Intellectual, Neurological

Type of Program

In a Host School

Ages Served

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Grades Served

1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Michelle Goettlich
508-998-5444 ext. 14


East Fairhaven Elementary School
2 New Boston Rd
02719 Fairhaven , MA
United States
Massachusetts US


School Year:
Days: 180
Hours Per Day: 6
Days: 25
Hours Per Day: 4

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