SMEC Adult Services

SMEC provides adult service programs funded through DDS, MCB and MassHealth for students who turn 22
and are eligible for adult service funding. Employment Support, Community Based Day Support, Residential
Support, Adult Day Health and Individualized Support Services are available.

Therapeutic Services Available

Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Counseling

Parent Support Program: SMEC monthly parent meetings are available for resource sharing.

Additional Program Information: Students are referred for adult services by the relevant adult funding agency if applicable. School districts are not responsible for adult service referrals, coordination or funding.


South Region

Primary Population/Disability

Development Delay, Intellectual

Other Populations Served

Autism, Communication, Health, Neurological, Physical

Type of Program


Ages Served



Nelson Cordeiro
508 991-5477 ext. 12


SMEC SAIL and ADH Programs
New Bedford/ Dartmouth
United States
Massachusetts US


School Year:
Days: 249
Hours Per Day: Varies
Days: Year Round
Hours Per Day: Varies

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