Vocational Preparation Program

This program is designed for students with moderate delays in cognitive ability. It provides a half day of functional academics and a half day of vocational skills training either in a vocational educational program or in a community job placement. The program prepares students to make the transition from school to the world of work and adult life. The program is located in one of our member district high schools, providing our students with the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities, mainstream classes and school assemblies. The program follows the Common Core State Standards. Instruction is presented at the student’s level and according to the student’s Individual Education Plan.

Therapeutic Services Available

Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Counseling, Adaptive Physical Education (APE)

Parent Support Program: Parent Advisory Council is specific to the sending district.


West Region

Primary Population/Disability

Autism, Communication, Intellectual

Type of Program

Collaborative Substantially Separate Classroom in Public School Building

Ages Served

18, 19, 20, 21, 22+

Grades Served



Dr. Sharon Goulet,
Special Education Director


Minnechaug High School
621 Main Street
01095 Wilbraham , MA
United States
Massachusetts US


School Year:
Days: 180
Hours Per Day: 6.5
Days: N/A
Hours Per Day: N/A

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