Integrated Occupational Preparation (IOP)
The IOP Program is designed for students with mild cognitive delays and learning disabilities who meet the criteria for LPVEC’s Career and Technical Education Center as outlined in the CTEC application for admissions. The program combines academics, career and technical education, and employability skills. Students spend half of their school day in academics and the other half in career and technical education. The focus of IOP is to provide academic instruction to meet graduation requirements and prepare students for successful placement in a career/technical field. The program is located in the Lower Pioneer Valley’s Career and Technical Education Center in West Springfield.
Therapeutic Services Available
Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Counseling, Adaptive Physical Education (APE)
Parent Support Program: Parent Advisory Council is specific to the sending district.
West Region
Primary Population/Disability
Autism, Communication, Health, Intellectual, Multiple Disabilities, Neurological, Specific Learning
Type of Program
Collaborative Substantially Separate Classroom in Public School Building
Ages Served
14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Grades Served
9, 10, 11, 12
174 Brush Hill Ave.
01089 West Springfield , MA
United States
Massachusetts US
174 Brush Hill Ave.
01089 West Springfield , MA
United States
Massachusetts US
School Year:
Days: 180
Hours Per Day: 6.5
Days: N/A
Hours Per Day: N/A