LABBB at Lexington High School
This program is created for students who require intensive specialized instruction, with highly individualized therapeutic support, i.e., Nurse, Behaviorist, Physical Therapist, etc. The classroom teacher and specialists incorporate communication, motor, vision, hearing, cognition and mobility throughout all classroom activities. Specialized accommodations such as PECS, Communication Devices and Assistive Technology devices are used. The classroom presents an integrated model where services are provided in the context of a natural learning environment. In 10th grade, the students typically participate in the MCAS Alternative Assessment Portfolio. As the students approach 16, they are often exposed to the LABBB Vocational Training Center and other vocational opportunities.
Therapeutic Services Available
Parent Support Program: LABBB Parent Advisory Council
Primary Population/Disability
Health, Intellectual, Multiple Disabilities, Neurological, Physical, Sensory: Deaf-Blind, Sensory: Hearing, Sensory: Vision
Type of Program
Ages Served
Grades Served
251 Waltham Street
02421 Lexington , MA
United States
Massachusetts US
School Year:
Days: 180
Hours Per Day: 7 M-Th/5.5 F
Days: 18
Hours Per Day: 7 M-Th/5.5 F